Tyler Vrooman

2020 Inductee

About Tyler Vrooman

Tyler Vrooman graduated summa cum laude in 2003 with a bachelor of science degree in computer engineering. He ran cross country and track for two seasons and was active in Tau Beta Pi, Eta Kappa Nu, Phi Beta Phi, IEEE and the Varsity Athletics Club.

Post-graduation, Tyler started as an avionics software engineer at Garmin in Kansas City before moving into progressive levels of engineering leadership in the company’s automotive and marine organizations. In 2014, he took a leap, moving to Seattle to work at Amazon on a then-secret project leading firmware development on what would become the Amazon Go cashierless store. In 2017, Tyler joined Oracle leading the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure network virtualization dataplane organization before transitioning to his current role leading the root of trust product used to secure all of Oracle’s cloud servers. Tyler holds three U.S. patents with three more pending.

Tyler and his wife, Sarah, have three amazing daughters. His hobbies include skiing, hiking, cycling and volunteering at his kids’ schools and with their sports.